Sometimes I think I cheat myself out of the manifold blessings
an ordinary day can hold.
The means by which I am able to cheat myself are varied,
but might include:
- Not seeking God's presence
- Refusing His admonition to "pursue peace"
- Not seeking silence and its riches
- Not getting outside where my soul must acknowledge His power, revealed in the wind, the waves, the endless wonder
- Having a spirit of ingratitude
- Not accepting others as they are, as I, myself, wish to be accepted
It helps when I humbly ask the Creator to "teach me what I do not see." (Job 34:32) For only then do I begin to comprehend that sometimes His blessings require my active participation, as I am asked to seek, to recognize, to acknowledge, to pursue, to pray, to accept, to receive ~ and lastly, and perhaps most importantly, to be grateful...