Thursday, February 17, 2011

Going Back Home

Recently, I went back to the west coast of Florida where I grew up.  Some things, of course, will never be the same, and that can be a good thing or a sad thing, depending on what one reflects upon.  
But there is something about the beach world that never changes.
I did this layout when I returned, and wrote:

"I head for the jetties when I go 'back home.'  
It's as if my heart is driving the car, following the promise 
of something precious, waiting to be found.  
The beach world always keeps its promises, 
be it a windswept bird or eternity heard."


  1. As Nelso Mandela said, "There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find how you yourself have altered."

  2. You are way too young to understand that concept, aren't you? You need to go back decades and decades later to have that much insight!

  3. No you don't. Even going back to Florida now, I can see how much has changed. Though I'm sure my insight is not as great as Mandela's (and I truly have no desire for it to be) I can still see changes in myself and the other people around me.

  4. You are right, and change is inevitable. One of the first quotes I ever saved was this thought by Heraclitus, who reminds us that "The only constant thing in life is change."

    I loved that quote in my twenties, and even more so now in my sixties. The only true contradiction to that thought is this: "For I am the Lord, I do not change."
    Malachi 3:6
